Get your free digital property report

You can now find out what your home is worth by generating a digital property report using data from CoreLogic (Australia's leading property data provider). Apart from getting an estimate of what your home is worth, you'll
also get insights to suburb and market trends, recent sales and more.

What's unique about this report?

This report captures real-time updates of the market. The report link will allow you to open the report anytime on your phone, tablet or laptop and get access to the report. Partnering with industry leading property data provider CoreLogic, we bring you a comprehensive report that banks and agents typically use, giving you a complete snapshot of your home, known as a digital appraisal.

What will get in the property report?

  • Estimated property price
  • Investment potential
  • Market trends for the area
  • Property history - sales and rental
  • Similar properties on the market
  • Suburb snapshot - population, average age, owner occupier, vacancy rates

Whether you’re thinking of selling your home or just interested in calculating what your home could be worth, this report has all the information you need to get started. You’ll be the expert before even reaching out to one.